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Ammo To Go Brings Takeaway Sandwiches and Pastries to Melrose Today

Ammo To Go

Your new takeout and delivery lunch option is here

Longtime Highland Avenue restaurant Ammo turned a corner last year (quite literally), transitioning from their larger sit-down space with plans to squeeze into into a takeout operation on Melrose. Now that time has come, with owner Amy Sweeney softly opening her breakfast and lunch spot as of this morning.

Calling it a ‘return to Ammo’s roots,’ Sweeney says that the new Ammo To Go will keep a simpler menu of longtime restaurant favorites while moving more into the quick service, delivery, and catering side of the world. Chef Mike Garber is handling the menu of sandwiches, pastries, bowls, and burgers, while other options like coffee and takeaway snacks from Valerie Confections will be available to grab as well.

The Melrose space does breakfast and lunch daily, running from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., which means you can walk in at this very moment. Be forewarned that there is no indoor seating anymore, just an ordering counter and a menu dotted with AMMO favorites from the previous restaurant, which now of course holds a much, much roomier Salt’s Cure these days.

Ammo To Go
6909 Melrose Ave.
Los Angeles, CA

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